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Addiction Recovery Blog

Spirituality in Addiction Recovery

The silhouette of a woman against the backdrop of a dramatic sunset.
Embracing life—and all that it has to offer—is part of the recovery journey.

Addiction shrinks your world until there is nothing left but drugs or alcohol. Nobody takes their first drink—or pill—intending for that to happen. Nobody wants their life to be consumed by a substance.

In fact, many say that the opposite of addiction isn’t sobriety; it’s connection.

Spirituality is a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves. Psychology Today goes one step further and calls it “an adventure playground … a place to extend yourself, to grow.”

Sounds great, right? But how exactly do you do that?

How to Launch your Spiritual Addiction Recovery

Many people have a clear vision of how to bring spirituality into their lives, including prayer, reading religious texts, attending worship services and receiving sacraments.

That’s great for them, but there are also those of us who struggle with the concept of religion. This is not the time to throw out the baby with the bathwater, as the saying goes.

In other words, if you don’t like the “religion” you’ve experienced in your lifetime, that doesn’t mean you should abandon the concept of spirituality.

Instead, start slow. Keep a gratitude journal. Practice forgiveness. Spend time in meditation. Seek to grow your relationship with God (or a higher power) through prayer. Be mindful and present. Read books. Talk to friends about the meaning of life—something the world outside of rehab seems to never have time for.

“Seek and you will find,” is a passage from the Bible, but the message can be applied to spirituality in general.

Recovery is a time to nurture what addiction has destroyed—and opening your eyes to the world around you is a good first step.

Alcohol and Drug Addiction Rehab in Denver

The Raleigh House is a residential treatment center located in Denver that believes addiction isn’t just a physical problem. Our master’s level trained therapists get to the root cause of addiction and will help you develop a strategy to manage and enjoy life without drugs or alcohol. Fill out our form or contact us today to learn more about our 90-day drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs.

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