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Addiction Recovery Blog

Getting Help: Addiction Support for Loved Ones

Two women embracing
With work on both sides, relationships can be restored.

You need help, too.

Yes, it’s your loved one who is battling alcohol or drug abuse, but the impact that’s having on you may be greater than you realize.

What’s more, seeking support will put you in a better position to be able to help your loved one. That’s true both before and after your friend or family member makes the decision to finally break the grip addiction has on their life.

So, the next question is, what are your options?

Join a Support Group for Families

You may feel at times like no one understands exactly what you’re going through, but the reality is there are millions of people who are in your situation.

You’ll find them at Al-Anon meetings, Nar-Anon meetings and meetings for Parents of Addicted Loved Ones.

Joining a support group can benefit you in several ways. First of all, it may help you to feel less alone and more understood. It can also help you learn more about addiction—and catch yourself when you do things that enable your loved one’s addiction.

Don’t Underestimate the Value of Therapy

You probably realize that your loved one needs therapy, but take a moment to consider how your loved one’s addiction has affected you.

A therapist can help you sort through your feelings, as well as the various conflicts that may have been caused by the presence of addiction in your family. Incorporating methods like animal assisted therapy can also provide emotional support and enhance the healing process.

Once your loved one makes the decision to get better, family therapy can help repair all of the damage that addiction has done—and give everyone a fresh start.

Practice Self-Care

More than likely, you’ve spent the vast majority of your mental energy—as well as a great deal of time—on trying to help your loved one.

And you’ve probably done that at the expense of your own interests, hobbies and well-being.

What can you do to take better care of yourself—and maybe bring a spark of joy to your day? Maybe you spend an hour in a coffee shop reading a new book. Or maybe you join a golf league. Perhaps you need a weekend away to collect your thoughts and get away from it all.

The point is to find something you enjoy doing and then make time for yourself.

Addiction Treatment for Loved Ones at The Raleigh House

“Just stop!”

That’s what so many of us tell our loved ones when we realize the destruction drugs or alcohol have inflicted on them. All they have to do is stop—and everything will be fixed.

That’s true, but it’s simply not possible.

That’s because drugs and alcohol change the brain, taking control away from your loved one. Addiction is a disease—and most people need help to get better. To effectively support them, here are some tips for how to help your child with addiction that can guide your approach.

The Raleigh House is a residential treatment center located in Denver that believes addiction isn’t just a physical problem. Our master’s level trained therapists get to the root cause of addiction and will help your loved one develop a strategy to manage and enjoy life without drugs or alcohol. Fill out our form or contact us today to learn more about our 90-day drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs.

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