We all have stress in our lives—and work stress tends to be some of the worst. For one thing, it’s where we spend a huge chunk of our day. It’s also our livelihood, so you can’t just storm out when things aren’t going your way.
So what’s the key to dealing with that kind of stress? It’s learning how to bend without breaking.
The thing is, workplace stress may ebb and flow, but it never goes away completely. The only solution is to dive in and learn how to manage stress—the right way.
Coping Techniques for Managing Stress
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).
At its heart, cognitive behavioral therapy is a way of stopping negative feelings by changing your thoughts or behaviors. One example: Instead of telling yourself you’re no good because you didn’t get a promotion and then feeling bad all day, you can take an honest look at why you were passed over and think of concrete ways to improve your chances next time.
Be Good to Yourself.
Get enough sleep, eat your fruits and vegetables, exercise, take time for the things you enjoy doing. Go for a walk outside. These things may not be especially exciting, but they are the foundation for a healthy body and mind.
Avoid Quick Fixes.
That includes things like alcohol, drugs, junk food, gambling and compulsive shopping. They may help in the moment, but they eventually lead to more stress.
Talk with Someone.
Talking to a good friend about your stress may be enough to take the edge off, but a therapist can also help immensely. Don’t make the mistake of assuming that counseling is reserved only for issues considered to be more serious.
Try Aromatherapy.
Research suggests that certain scents, like lavender, can actually be a very effective stress reducer. Place a small diffuser, like this one from Amazon, on your desk and pour a few drops of oil in to scent your office—and boost your mood.
Being able to be fully present in the moment gives us a break from ruminating over the past or worrying about the future. In fact, a 2014 study of Dow Chemical employees found that being mindful decreases stress and increases resiliency.
Hope and Healing from Addiction at The Raleigh House
The Raleigh House is a residential treatment center located in Denver that believes addiction isn’t just a physical problem. Our master’s level trained therapists get to the root cause of addiction and will help you develop a strategy to manage and enjoy life without drugs or alcohol. Fill out our form or contact us today to learn more about our drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs for professionals.