Let’s face it: Heroin makes you feel like you don’t have a single problem in the world.
So when you (or someone you love) hit that inevitable stage in rehab where you begin to lose a bit of steam, it’s easy to only remember the highs (literally) and not the lows of your past drug use. You forget how it made you feel sick. How it sucked the pleasure out of every other aspect of life. How it took complete control and yet demanded more.
You know you don’t want that life anymore, but you’re a few weeks into rehab and this new life isn’t really all that great either.
What you may not realize is that, right now, you’re stuck in the middle. You’re not living a life of addiction anymore and the initial excitement and challenge of rehab has worn off, but you haven’t built a new life yet either. Your old source of pleasure (and pain) is gone, but you’ve just begun exploring what really makes you happy and motivates you. Plus, your brain is still recovering and your opioid receptors are not yet working like they used to before heroin.
So how long will it take to feel better?
Every person is unique, of course, but we do see a pattern in rehab. There’s the 30 days of excitement we just mentioned, followed by another month or so of what we’ll call the blues. Life seems dull, even pointless.
That’s when it happens—right around two months into rehab. You turn a corner. The work you’ve done in therapy is paying off. Eating well and exercising is getting your body back on track. And your opioid receptors are working a bit better every day.
Recovery from Heroin Addiction—Making it Past the Hard Part
We know how hard the second month of rehab can be, but it’s infinitely harder if you don’t know how or when it will end. That’s why it’s so important to do the work that will get you over the rehab hump.
If you’re at a rehab program that lasts longer than a month, the structure will already be in place. You’ll have individual therapy sessions, group therapy and maybe even art or music therapy. You’ll be encouraged to exercise and will have the companionship of other people in the same boat as you. You’ll also be served food—and possibly supplements—that help your body and brain to heal. Together, all of these steps will combat the long-term effects of heroin use.
If you (or your loved one) attends only a four-week rehab, it’ll take some effort to get all that done on your own, but it’s certainly possible. Schedule therapy sessions in advance and attend group meetings. Make a point of hitting the gym, yoga classes or going for walks. Spend time with people who support you. Go new places and try new things. Read inspirational books by people on the same journey as you.
Most importantly, believe that it will get better, because it will.
A Fresh Start at The Raleigh House
At the Raleigh House, we know that the easy part is getting off of heroin. It’s our mission to teach you (or your loved one) to stay off of it—by helping build a new and better life than addiction could ever offer. Each person who walks through our doors is assigned a master’s level therapist. Together, they come up with a plan not only for their time at rehab, but for life. Fill out our form or contact us today to learn more about the heroin addiction treatment program at The Raleigh House.