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The Impact of Meth on Brain Function

Man staring out a window



Meth is a neurotoxin.

Maybe that thought scares you. Or maybe you’re wondering how bad meth actually is for your brain—and if the damage is reversible once you decide to stop someday.

Let’s take a closer look at the type of damage meth can do to the brain.

Meth Effects on the Brain You Need to Know

The first risk, of course, is addiction. Over time, meth changes the brain so that nothing else holds any appeal anymore except for meth. As that happens, your world shrinks—and begins to revolve almost exclusively around your meth addiction.

In addition to the risk of addiction, meth use can change the brain in the following ways, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse:
• It can cause psychosis, including paranoia and hallucinations.
• It can cause a deficit in thinking and motor skills.
• It can cause memory loss and increased distractibility.
• It can cause aggressive or violent behavior.
• It can cause mood disturbances.

Is Meth’s Effect on the Brain Reversible?

The answer is yes and no.

Some of the neurobiological effects of chronic methamphetamine abuse appear to be at least partially reversible, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. But functions in some parts of the brain do not appear to recover even after 14 months of abstinence.

The extent of the damage depends on how long you’ve used, how often you use and how much meth you typically use.

There is, however, one thing we can guarantee you. Both your body and brain will be better without meth. Your mood will stabilize. You will feel happier and experience less anxiety. You will have fewer nightmares and be able to focus better.

So do you choose the path that continues to harm your brain—or do you decide to get help?

Getting Better at The Raleigh House

That’s a lot of bad news and, if you use meth, you’re right to be scared.

But the good news is that you can get your life—and your health—back. At The Raleigh House, we know that it isn’t enough to just keep you off of drugs for a few months. Rather, we work with you to make sure that true healing occurs. In fact, everyone who walks through our doors is assigned their own master’s level therapist who will work with you to come up with a plan for during rehab—and for when you get out of rehab. Fill out our form or contact us today to learn more about the meth addiction treatment program at The Raleigh House.