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Assessing Your Symptoms: Do I Have Anxiety or Depression?

A man having a hard time getting out of bed, struggling with either depression or anxiety symptoms.
It’s not always easy to know if you’re struggling with depression or anxiety, or both.

Suffering a depressed mood or feeling on edge happens to the best of us from time to time. The problem is when these feelings have you boxed in with no way out and you’re left wondering what’s wrong with you.

When you can’t get out of bed in the morning, is it because you’re feeling too worn down or too anxious to start the day? Do you no longer like to go out in public because you don’t have the energy or because social activity makes you panic? Assessing your symptoms can help you determine if you’re struggling with anxiety, depression or both.

Interpret Your Depression or Anxiety Symptoms

It’s important to keep in mind that only a behavioral health professional can officially diagnose a depression or anxiety disorder. However, understanding your symptoms can help you make sense of what you’re going through when talking with your doctor.

Self-Test for Signs of Depression

If you suspect you have a depression disorder, ask yourself the following questions about your symptoms:

  1. Do you rarely feel sad and irritable or do you experience those feelings most days?
  2. Do you feel an increased sense of doom or hopelessness?
  3. Do you have very little interest in participating in activities you used to enjoy, for no apparent reason?
  4. Are you overeating or not eating at all?
  5. Are you oversleeping or not sleeping at all?
  6. Do you have very little energy to participate in your daily routine?
  7. Do you often feel like a failure or struggle to feel good about yourself?
  8. Do you struggle to concentrate on work, school or daily activities?
  9. Do you have any suicidal thoughts or behaviors?

Answering yes to many or all of these questions may indicate you’re suffering from depression.

Self-Test for Signs of Anxiety

If you suspect you have an anxiety disorder, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Do you rarely feel nervous, anxious or panicked, or do you experience these feelings most days?
  2. Do you struggle to relax on a daily basis because you’re always on edge?
  3. Does excessive worrying disrupt your concentration and daily activities?
  4. Do you feel so restless that you struggle to sit still and concentrate?
  5. Do you struggle to control an impending feeling of doom or disaster?
  6. Are you always hypervigilant and agitated when you’re out in public?
  7. Do you experience physical symptoms of anxiety, like rapid breathing, heart palpitations, sweating, trembling and nausea?
  8. Do you suffer from insomnia and feel lethargic throughout the day?

Answering yes to many or all of these questions may indicate you’re suffering from anxiety.

Can Depression and Anxiety Cause Each Other?

What if you responded yes to questions from both assessments, suggesting you have signs of both depression and anxiety? It’s unclear if anxiety and depression cause each other. However, depression and anxiety disorders can co-occur and lead to symptoms like yours.

In fact, depression and anxiety is a common comorbidity. A 2001 study found that 10-20 percent of adults in any 12-month period visit their physician because of depression or anxiety symptoms. Of those patients, more than 50 percent struggle with a secondary depression or anxiety disorder.

While depression and anxiety symptoms can make you feel like you’re drowning, dual diagnosis treatment can pull you out. At The Raleigh House, we offer behavioral health treatment that can help you learn to manage your depression and anxiety symptoms.

Overcome Depression and Anxiety at The Raleigh House

Depressive and anxiety episodes don’t have to define your story and rule your life forever. At The Raleigh House, we follow a gold standard continuum of care designed to help you heal from your mental health disorder. With evidence-based treatments like psychotherapy and experiential activities like equine therapy, you will learn how to manage your symptoms and keep them from controlling your life.

Contact our admissions team today to find out more about our depression and anxiety disorder treatment.